NRA Fails to notice the difference between skeet shooting and people shooting

The NRA has once again proven the importance in keeping it away from political debates, with their recent criticism of President Obama’s skeet shooting hobby, says supporters of the gun control lobby in America. The NRA’s criticism centres around photos in which the president is shown firing a rifle, with the NRA claiming the president is being hypocritical in trying to ban military grade assault weapons when he himself has used many low calibre sports rifles.



President Obama has angered the NRA by shooting at an object and not a living creature


However, not all are criticising the NRA’s comments, with some experts claiming it provides an important study into the mindset of gun owners in the USA. One such expert, who cannot be named for fear of his life, has said that  “Clearly the NRA cannot tell the difference between using low power rifles to shoot inanimate targets in a designated sports shooting arena, and using high powered military weapons with armour piercing bullets to hunt women and children. It’s no wonder they oppose any sort of gun control, no matter how small. They clearly have no idea about the context and appropriateness of guns in society, which is why they think they need such highly powered weapons to hunt animals and protect their homes. This provides us with vital information on the psychology of gun owners in America, and we can use this to help prevent further incidents”.


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Given the NRA’s inability to tell the difference between shooting a clay pigeon and a person, many suspect this is what their members really see when target shooting


Many experts have said that the NRA’s statement also proves that more stringent background checks are required when selling guns to the public, as it is vitally important to keep guns away from such maladjusted people. However, despite the controversy many have said that the footage of Obama skeet shooting shows a positive improvement in American gun culture. “A few years ago we had Dick Cheney shooting an attorney, now we have Obama shooting a clay pigeon. Clearly, we are starting to learn to better distinguish between people and objects, which can only be good”.

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