Bald Archy Prize: Shit-eating Rinehart wins, High Gillard Second

This years winner of the Bald Archy is likely to anger those of the conservative right but most of the country will likely be highly amused at the sight of ‘Shit-eating grin’, a portrait of Gina Rinehart smiling with feces smeared on her mouth and hands.


shit eating gina

‘Shit-eating Grin’ won because it depicts what so many Australians really think


The award was voted for by a panel of 5 which included Andrew Bolt, who voted ‘0’ on anything criticizing the right. ‘Shit-eating Grin’ won with unanimous praise (except for Bolt, who gave it an F-), receiving high marks mostly for its humor, its ability to appeal to ordinary Australians, and its “accurate description of her selfish fat face”. Tom Buttson, the artist of the winning painting, was thrilled to have won the prize, and was very keen to explain the inspiration behind his creation.

“I was trying to think of something everyone wanted to see, that everyone could relate to. I was really stuck, my best effort was a painting of a cute cat I saw on youtube but it was still rubbish. One day when I had a few mates over one of them screamed out ‘Eat shit rich cunt!’ while listening to a story about the Rineharts, and it just hit me. Most of Australia hates Gina, and would love nothing more than to see her eat shit. So thats what i painted”.

“Its not even a very good painting. If I had been trying to paint a masterpiece, I would be feeling pretty bad right now. However the important thing about art is that people have to connect with it, and that’s exactly what this painting does. The brush strokes are blotchy, I ran out of certain colours, but people just love the imagery and really that’s all its about.”

The most common complaint coming from the right wing think-tank whenever one of their number is targeted or criticized in some way is that everyone else is just a hypocritical freedom hating greenie. However the Bald Archie judging panel has surely protected itself from such an accusation, with the second placed entry being a similar painting targeting Julia Gillard entitled ‘Win the election, you must be high!’.


doped up gillard

Gillard must be completely high if she thinks she will win the upcoming election


Painter Janet Jokeson  describes her inspiration as being “very similar to Tom’s with his painting. One day I was listening to the radio and heard Julia going on about how she still believes she will win the election and I just thought: What the fuck are you smoking? You must be high! And I just painted that”. Mrs Jokeson explained that she had originally planned to paint an image focused around Gillard’s excessive use of the phrase “Moving forward”, although she decided it would be more appropriate for an upcoming installation. “I plan to create a circular track in which the public can constantly be moving forward until their minds crack or turn to mush, simulating the experience of a Gillard press conference”.

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