Removing baby bonus will hurt sales: Gerry Harvey

Gerry Harvey has taken aim at suggestions of scrapping the baby bonus in his latest campaign to drum up support from the Gillard government. In what he describes as “A vicious attack on the retail sector by leftie communists”, Harvey claims that the removal of the baby bonus will rip millions of dollars out of the electronics retail sector.

“The baby bonus has been a huge boon for us since it was introduced” said Harvey, “Plasma TV sales have gone through the roof! General electronic sales have also increased substantially, and these increases have been facilitated by the baby bonus!”. Harvey points to research which indicates that “young bogans” receive the majority of the baby bonus payments made each year, many of which have already received multiple payments, and who should therefore already have the necessary equipment which the bonus is supposed to provide for. The research also shwos that this money is predominantly spent on flatscreen TVs, electronic devices such as ipads, gaming systems like the playstation, and various other entertainment items.


plasma tv

Plasma TVs are an expensive but essential tool in the raising of a small child


Harvey also points out that the tobacco, alcohol and “car modification” industries will also take a substantial hit from the removal of the baby bonus, although he admits that the baby goods industry will remain largely untouched. He also stated that “The government might as well admit that they hate small family owned businesses like my own, and that they intend to bankrupt us all and merge with China”, which he claims is the real reason behind the governments failure to support him on other issues. Harvey has threatened that he will have to lay off staff and mark prices up even further so as to maintain his personal profits and lifestyle, which “isn’t cheap”.

Harvey has previously been criticized for being at the extreme end of capitalist ideology when it comes to issues such as staff wages and store competition, but then crying foul to the government when this same capitalist system has seen internet shopping out price his own highly market-up offerings. He has made a number of public campaigns, all of which have failed to gain any support. However, given the strength of the uneducated and bogan vote in the upcoming election, many pundits predict this latest campaign will finally be the one which sticks.

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